
TCB Leadership

The leadership of TCB consists of six officers and directors. No chapter may have more than three representatives on the TCB Board of Directors.       

Officers shall be elected to their respective terms of office at the annual convention of TCB in even numbered years by a majority of members present and voting. Officers' terms shall begin at the adjournment of the convention at which they were elected.

Linda Allison (ETCB)          
Email: linda.allison@tn-acb.org          
Term expires 2026   

1st Vice President:   
Gordon Dykes (ETCB)      
Email: gordon.dykes@tn-acb.org         
Term expires: 2026 

2nd Vice President:  
Marie Morris (MCB)  
Email: marie.morris@tn-acb.org
Term expires: 2026  

Robert Spangler (ETCB)  
Email: secretary@tn-acb.org          
Term expires: 2026 

Sheila Towns (MCB)        
Email: sheila.towns@tn-acb.org 
Term expires: 2026

Immediate Past President:  
Jeannie Johnson         

Directors shall be elected in odd numbered years to serve a term of two years. Directors' terms shall begin at the adjournment of the convention at which they were elected.  


Sarah Harris (MTCB)  
Email: sarah.harris@tn-acb.org           
Term expires: 2025 

Kelly James (Mid-Ten)    
Email: kelly.james@tn-acb.org           
Term Expires 2025 

Rita Hutton (Mid-Ten)         
Email: rita.hutton@tn-acb.org           
Term expires 2025 

John Amato (VIPSG)        
Email: john.amato@tn-acb.org          
Term expires 2025 

Stacy Douglas (VIPSG)     
Email: stacy.douglas@tn-acb.org          
Term expires 2025 

Erika Tapani (VIS-Cumberland County)
Email: erika.tapani@tn-acb.org 
Term expires 2025

Kim Hurlburt (VIPSG)
Email: kim.hurlburt@tn-acb.org 
Term expires 2025

Webmaster/Digital Information 
Robert Spangler          
Email: webmaster@tn-acb.org